Balance of Performance (BoP) is the “balancing” (increasing or reducing the lap times) of the performance of individual vehicles relative to other competing vehicles by simple “handicapping” methods that require a change to the setup of the vehicle. Depending on racing outcomes, BoP is used to achieve both interesting and competitive racing by means of creating similar lap times for very dissimilar vehicles.

BOP Explained

BOP Nomination Form

BOP Sheets

Driver Conduct

The Australian Prototype Series (APS) seeks to promote enjoyable and safe competition and the avoidance of car-to-car contact.

The required standards of driving conduct (Driving Standards) are as described within this APS – Code of Driving Conduct document, and as described within in the “Code of Driving Conduct” section within the current Motorsport Australia (MA) RA01 regulations. Each document must be read in conjunction with the other.