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2023 Series & Round 4 Winners

The Round 4 and the 2023 Series have been run and won.
Round 4 at Shell V-Power Motorsport Park (The Bend) produced some excellent racing, but Mark Laucke had a great return to form with dominant wins in all three races.
Race 1: 1st Mark Laucke (Wolf Tornado), 2nd Scott Bormann (Wolf F1 Extreme), 3rd Jason Makris (Wolf Tornado)
Race 2: 1st Mark Laucke (Wolf Tornado), 2nd Scott Bormann (Wolf F1 Extreme), 3rd John-Paul Drake (Wolf Mistral)
Race 3: 1st Mark Laucke (Wolf Tornado), 2nd John-Paul Drake (Wolf Mistral), 3rd Scott Bormann (Wolf F1 Extreme)

The 2023 AP1 Series Champion, for a 2nd year in a row, is John-Paul Drake (Wolf Mistral), but the title wasn't decided until the last race, with Scott Bormann threatening an upset if JP put a foot wrong.
The final AP1 point scores were: John-Paul Drake 479, Scott Bormann 441 & Phil Hughes 374.

The 2023 SR3 Series Champion
is Terry Knowles (Radical SR3).